
My name is Eric Kearney.

I'm a Software Engineer. I'm working on my Master's degree in Data Science and Machine Learning at Colorado State University. I created this website to serve as a home for my Resume, Blog, and personal projects.

I built aeryck.com in Flask. It's using a simple sqlite database in the backend, and it's deployed using nginx and gunicorn. If it's of interest to you, feel free to take a look at this website's code on my github.

I also write tutorials covering topics such as programming, data visualization, probability and statistics, and machine learning. My tutorials are written with a "bottom-up" approach; emphasizing mastering the basics and gradually building upon them, with the aim to 'self-discover' the more complex concepts.

Data Visualization


You can reach me at erickearney@protonmail.com. If you have a spare few moments, consider checking out some of my friends' websites. Ryan (who made the Aeryck logo) and Christopher. Thanks!

Posted: 2022-06-30

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