SQL Transactions and ACID properties

With the introduction of FOREIGN KEYs, we've caught a small glimpse of measures we can take to protect our database from faulty information, but what if despite our best efforts something terrible happens to our database, such as false data being INSERTed, or even worse, a bunch of real data being DELETEd? One important measure we can take to protect ours database is to ensure that our work be implemented as TRANSACTIONs.

Basic Data Manipulation

Joins and Relationships

Primary and Foreign Keys

Transactions and ACID properties (this post)

Views Procedures and Functions)


When changes are made as TRANSACTIONs, it becomes easy to un/re-do them. SQL TRANSACTIONs follow ACID properties:

Let's begin with a basic example of how TRANSACTIONs can be useful, imagine the following statements were run (either through accident or malice)

  UPDATE us_presidents
     SET home_state = 'Massachusetts'
   WHERE home_state = 'Virginia';

  SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, home_state
    FROM us_presidents
   ORDER BY number;
first_name middle_name last_name home_state
George   Washington Massachusetts
John   Adams Massachusetts
Thomas   Jefferson Massachusetts
James   Madison Massachusetts
James   Monroe Massachusetts
John Quincy Adams Massachusetts
Andrew   Jackson Tennessee
Martin Van Buren New Amsterdam
William Henreigh Harrison  

(9 rows)

By calling the BEGIN TRANSACTION; statement, all subsequent work will now be done within this TRANSACTION, until we either cancel or COMMIT.

We have a problem now, the home_state of every president from Virginia has been changed to Massachusetts. We can't just fix the problem the same way it was introduced either:

UPDATE us_presidents
   SET home_state = 'Virginia'
 WHERE home_state = 'Massachusetts';

SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, home_state
  FROM us_presidents
 ORDER BY number;
first_name middle_name last_name home_state
George   Washington Virginia
John   Adams Virginia
Thomas   Jefferson Virginia
James   Madison Virginia
James   Monroe Virginia
John Quincy Adams Virginia
Andrew   Jackson Tennessee
Martin Van Buren New Amsterdam
William Henreigh Harrison  

(9 rows)

While we've correctly set the home_state of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe back to Virginia, we've also incorrectly done the same for both John Adams and John Quincy Adams! If we were not working within a TRANSACTION as before, we'd have to choice but to manually UPDATE the afflicted rows to correct them. However thankfully we can simply run:


SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, home_state
  FROM us_presidents
 ORDER BY number;
first_name middle_name last_name home_state
George   Washington Virginia
John   Adams Massachusetts
Thomas   Jefferson Virginia
James   Madison Virginia
James   Monroe Virginia
John Quincy Adams Massachusetts
Andrew   Jackson Tennessee
Martin Van Buren New Amsterdam
William Henreigh Harrison  

(9 rows)

By invoking the ROLLBACK command, we've successfully undone everything since the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement. Note that calling ROLLBACK also ends the current TRANSACTION.

If we are happy with the work done within a TRANSACTION and wish to keep it, we need to use the COMMIT statement instead:

  UPDATE us_states
     SET name = 'New York'
   WHERE name = 'New Amsterdam';

Now that we've COMMITed our changes, the TRANSACTION is complete, and we lose the chance to ROLLBACK the work. This is in adherence to the Durability principle of ACID.

Speaking of ACID principles, let's more closely examine Atomicity principle, which asserts that a TRANSACTION must either completely succeed or completely fail. That means that if there is an error anywhere within a TRANSACTION, all statements within that TRANSACTION, even those that executed without error will automatically be rolled back, even if the transaction ends with the COMMIT statement:

  UPDATE us_presidents
     SET first_name = 'Johnathan'
   WHERE first_name = 'John';

  UPDATE us_presidents
     SET home_state = 'Ohiio'
   WHERE last_name = 'Harrison';

ERROR: insert or update on table "us_presidents" violates foreign key constraint "fk_us_presidents_us_states"

DETAIL: Key (home_state)=(Ohiio) is not present in table "us_states".

Here we tried to rename both John Adams to Johnathan Adams, we also tried to set William "Henreigh" Harrison's home state to "Ohiio" again which, as demonstrated in the previous post fails due to the FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT we've placed on home_state.

SELECT first_name
  FROM us_presidents
 ORDER BY number;

(9 rows)

Because there was an error in the TRANSACTION, the "Johnathan" UPDATEs were rolled back.

In the next post we'll cover VIEWs, PRODCEDUREs, and FUNCTIONs.

* The database designer can determine what is and is not a valid state. An example of when this could come in handy is if you manage the backend database for a bank. Imagine you're implementing logic to allow your users to perform internal transfers; you could add a constraint dictating that in order for this transaction to be valid the total amount of money between the two accounts must be the same before and after the transaction. This would ensure that if money is subtracted from one account, it's added to another (and vice versa). If, after performing the TRANSACTION, the sum of money between the accounts is different than it was before the constraint would be violated, and a ROLLBACK would automatically be executed.

Posted: 2023-05-15

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